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Simple Portrait Back-to-School Bulletin Board

Simple Portrait Back-to-School Bulletin Board

Here is one the many Back-to-school bulletin boards I created inspired by the students at my school!

Here is one the many Back-to-school bulletin boards I created inspired by the students at my school!

Looking for a great way to fill those empty bulletin boards at the start of the year? Well, huge shout out to @mslevyteachesart and @amyteachesart (their Instagrams linked) for this idea! These awesome teachers used my Simple self-portrait drawing guide to draw larger-than-life children to display on their bulletin boards! When I made my own displays around my school, I actually went ahead and drew illustrations based on real students at my school, and few caught on by saying “Don’t you think that drawing kind of looks like me?” :)

Just using white bulletin board paper I sketched out the children in pencil first, then traced the lines using a bingo dauber filled with India ink (a Cassie Stephens hack) After drawing about 25 diverse children I cut them out and arranged them on about 5 different boards around the school. I added a quote to some of them, others just had the children. It should also be noted that the omission of color was an artistic choice based on aesthetics.

A great bonus to this display was once I had enough student art to hang, I left two kids as end caps on each board as another way to kind of frame their work. You can see how adorable my second graders’ “The Real Me” lessons look hanging near my illustrations (lesson linked!) Thanks again to two amazing teachers for this idea, my students and staff loved them!

To download my Simple Self Portrait Guide that I used in this blog, you can Click Here! Happy Back-To-School season!

Above is me “Simple Self Portrait Guide” that I referenced for the bulletin boards.

Above is me “Simple Self Portrait Guide” that I referenced for the bulletin boards.

I sketched the kids largely in pencil first then traced in India ink and a chisel tip Sharpie.

I sketched the kids largely in pencil first then traced in India ink and a chisel tip Sharpie.

Here you can see how they add a nice detail around student art!

Here you can see how they add a nice detail around student art!

One of the bulletin boards around the school. There were 5 in total!

One of the bulletin boards around the school. There were 5 in total!

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Resources that could be helpful


Simple Self-Portrait Drawing Guide | Grades K-2 | Digital Download

Regular price $3.00
Sale price $3.00 Regular price
Drawing faces can be hard! Especially if you're 6! Instead of allowing your students to resort to drawing themselves as a stick figure, download this Simple Self Portrait drawing guide instead! In this super easy drawing visual you will find the steps to creating a portrait illustration is easier than your students think! With easy to follow steps, a fun cartoon style, and minimal wording, this visual is perfect for students in grades k-2.
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