Watercolor Pet Portrait (Recorded Online Course)
Materials Required:
- Watercolor Paint
- Recommended Colors: Cadmium-Free Yellow • Cadmium-Free Red • Alizarin Crimson • Permanent Rose • Dioxazine Purple • Ultramarine Blue • Phthalo Blue or Prussian Blue • Sap Green • Viridian Green • Yellow Ochre • Burnt Sienna • Burnt Umber • Payne’s Gray )
- 9x12 Cold Press Watercolor Block
Watercolor Paint Brushes
- a variety of brushes. Mainly a size 8 or 6, and a smaller brush about a size 1 or 2
- White Gouache paint (optional)
- Cup of water
- Paper towels
- 8.5 x 11 piece of scrap/ computer paper
- A full page printed photo of your pet 8.5 x 11
- X Acto blade + B Pencil
- Watercolor Painting Guide (You'll get this when you purchase the product)