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Watercolor cityscape art lesson from Art with Mrs. E

Watercolor Cityscape Art Lesson

If you have been following me for a while on Instagram, you know how I love my quiet (solo) mornings painting in my sketchbook. There's just something about a quiet house, a hot coffee, classical piano and your sketchbook to start the day. Well, a few years ago I painted this "rainbow cityscape" one morning and since then, I have just always loved it. From painting in a very satisfying rainbow order gradient, to using a paint pen to mindlessly draw repetitive shapes and lines for the building details... it was just so therapeutic! 


Well one morning this past summer, I was painting with my son (who is 6 and has recently exploded in his interest for art) and I shared this painting in my sketchbook with him. He then asked me to teach him how to paint it... and so, I broke it down for him. As we were painting and drawing together, I started thinking about what a great lesson this would be to roll out early in the year when teaching about line and shape (along with pattern, repetition and so much more). Even though I am no longer in the classroom this year- once a teacher brain always a teacher brain. So... I created a formal lesson for it- and honestly it was so much fun teaching this lesson to him! 

art with mrs E watercolor cityscape lesson

In this lesson you will have everything you need from art history (hello Faith Ringgold, James Rizzi and more!) to books and videos that pair perfectly, A cityscapes / buildings drawing guide, to step by step color photos and time-lapses and so much more! Using glue, watercolors, any white drawing material that is opaque enough, and my guide- this lesson is great for all ages honestly.

art with mrs E watercolor cityscape lesson

I am so excited to teach this lesson to a small group once my private classes for kids begin... but until then, I hope that you enjoy this lesson with your students! You can find this Watercolor Cityscape lesson here! If you have any questions or suggestions- don't hesitate to reach out to me through my email or Instagram! 


Happy Teaching!


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Resources that could be helpful


Cityscapes Drawing Guide | Digital Download

Regular price $3.00
Sale price $3.00 Regular price
Learn how to take simple lines and shapes and use them to create a gorgeous cityscape with this drawing guide! In this guide, artists will receive step by step instructions in how to create an overlapping cityscape using basic lines and shapes, while also exploring pattern, variety, balance and more! With easy to follow steps and 25 different building examples, artists of all ages will enjoy this drawing guide!


Watercolor Cityscape Digital Art Lesson

Regular price $6.50
Sale price $6.50 Regular price

In this beautiful and engaging art lesson, students will create a watercolor cityscape using a variety of line, shape and pattern to create repetition and unity within in the final composition. Students will learn about the work of Faith Ringgold, James Rizzi and Jennifer Maravillas and use visual thinking strategies to discuss their work.

In this 28 page lesson (available in Google Slides, Powerpoint and as a PDF) the lesson is broken down into clear and simple steps complete with full color photos demonstrating and explaining each step of the project. This lesson is great for students age 7-12 but really students of all ages can enjoy the fun and relaxing process!

The digital pdf for this lesson includes:

  • Lesson Objectives
  • Vocabulary List
  • National Standards
  • Supplies needed for each project
  • Artist background info on Faith Ringgold, James Rizzi, and Jennifer
  • Step-by-Step Photo of the lesson from beginning to end (14 color photos)
    with detailed explanation for each step.
  • Helpful tips & tricks for teacher to share with students
  • Cityscape Drawing Guide (8 pages in total)
  • Line and Shape examples
  • A formative self-assessment PDF for students to complete at the end of
    the lesson.



  • White 90 lb drawing/watercolor paper
  • Watercolors
  • Glue bottle
  • Paint pen/ white colored Pencil/ white tempera paint
  • Large and small paint brushes
Art Supplies Created by Art Lovers

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