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Animal Shelter Art Lesson: A Beautiful Way to Advocate for Animals in Need

Animal Shelter Art Lesson: A Beautiful Way to Advocate for Animals in Need

flower crown canine art lessonflower crown canine k-2 art lesson

It's not secret that I am a devout dog lover. But after deciding to rescue a dog instead of going to a breeder, my passion for helping animals that couldn't speak for themselves only sky rocketed. Many years ago, I started painting dogs and cats from my local shelter in my sketchbook to share on social media to help raise awareness about adopting and very soon after I developed Project Sketch and Fetch as a way to get my students involved (you can read all about it here). 

 rescue animals with flower crown paintings rescue dog with her painting

I wanted to find a way to circle back to my initial paintings in my sketchbook and present the concept in a way that students at the elementary level could do the same. So I created the lesson Flower Crown Canines + Cats, for both upper elementary students, and K-2 kiddos

flower crown canine art lesson for adoptable animals

This fully souped up lesson teaches students  how to draw and paint dogs and cats with flower crowns, creating beautiful works of art that not only showcase the beauty of our furry friends but also encourage adoption.

So what exactly is the Flower Crown Canines and Cats lesson?
Flower Crown Canines and Cats is a full art lesson that includes everything you need to create beautiful works of art featuring shelter animals. The lesson includes standards, objectives, 3 artists to learn about who use their art as an advocacy tool, step by step colored photos, timelapse videos, instructions on how to create a community art show with your local animal shelter, extension activities, several drawing guides and reference photos that your students  can use to create animal portraits of your own pet or animals in your community shelter. 

rescue dog lesson preview

Why is this lesson so important?

By using shelter animals as our subjects in this lesson, you can raise awareness about the importance of adopting shelter animals. According to the World Animal Foundation, approximately 6.3 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. By adopting a shelter animal, we can give these animals a second chance at life and provide them with a loving home.
By creating beautiful works of art featuring shelter animals, we can not only showcase their beauty but also encourage others to adopt these amazing creatures. And the best part? A portion of the proceeds from each Flower Crown Canines and Cats lesson goes to support animal shelters and rescue organizations.

flower crown canine art lesson  
This lesson is such a  fun and creative way to raise awareness about the importance of adopting. By using art as a tool, we can create beautiful works of art that showcase the beauty of these amazing animals and encourage others to adopt. So why not involve your students and give them the gift of knowing their art, time and talent can make a difference to an animal in need! 


You can access the full lessons for students in grades k-2 here, and 4-6 here


flower crown canine art lesson art with mrs e flower crown canine art lesson k-2 artwithmrse

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1 comment

What a fantastic initiative! This art lesson not only inspires creativity but also supports shelter pets in the local community. It’s heartwarming to see the combination of artistic expression and compassion for animals. Kudos to Art With Mrs. E for making a positive impact through their work. Truly a beautiful way to create art and help those in need. More info:

olivia1 watson

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Resources that could be helpful


Flower Crown Canines + Cats Digital Lessson | Grades 4-6

Regular price $6.50
Sale price $6.50 Regular price

The only thing better than learning how to drawing sweet and adorable dogs is teaching your students how to use their art to advocate for animals in need. In this extensive 67 page lesson, students will learn how to draw dogs and cats from their local animal shelter that they will make extra special by creating a 3-D flower crown to add on their head.

You will give your students to gift of knowing they are making a difference with their art when they are supporting an animal in search for their forever home.

The digital pdf for this lesson includes:

  • Lesson Objectives
  • Vocabulary List
  • National Standards
  • Supplies needed for the project
  • Artist background info on artists Sophie Gamand, Patrick McConnell, and Dean Russo who use their art to benefit rescue animals
  • Step-by-Step Photo of the lesson from beginning to end with detailed explanation for each step.
  • Helpful tips & tricks for teacher to share with students
  • Drawing Guides for how to draw dogs and cats
  • 4 Book recommendations to pair with the lesson
  • 2 lesson extensions


Suggested Materials:

  • 9 x 12 or 12 x 18 (90 lb) white drawing paper or watercolor paper
  • Pencil
  • Permanent black marker
  • Oil pastels (regular and neon if possible)
  • Watercolor palette 
  • Paint brushes
  • Cup for water
  • Paper towel 
  • Black or colored construction paper for background (same size as drawing paper)
  • White tempera paint 
  • Scissors and glue


Terms & Use:

Please note, in purchasing this resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Kaitlyn Edington and licensed to you only for classroom/personal use. I, Kaitlyn Edington retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product.

This lesson is intended for classroom use only and may not claimed or resold as your own.


Flower Crown Canines + Cats Digital Lessson | Grades K-3

Regular price $5.00
Sale price $5.00 Regular price

The only thing more adorable than cute dogs and cats is a dog or cat in a flower crown. Inspired by the projects, Flower Power Pit bulls by photographer Sophie Gamand, early elementary students will create a vibrant drawing of their favorite furry creature adorned in a flower crown. Students will be provided with drawing guides to follow or reference if desired.

This lesson is the early primary version of the lesson Flower Crown Canines + Cats grades 4-6 .

The digital pdf for this lesson includes:

  • Lesson Objectives
  • Vocabulary List
  • National Standards
  • Supplies needed for the project
  • Artist background info on artists Sophie Gamand, Patrick McConnell, and Dean Russo who use their art to benefit rescue animals
  • Step-by-Step Photo of the lesson from beginning to end with detailed explanation for each step.
  • Helpful tips & tricks for teacher to share with students
  • Drawing Guides for how to draw dogs and cats
  • 4 Book recommendations to pair with the lesson


Suggested Materials:

  • 9 x 12 or 12 x 18 (90 lb) white drawing paper or watercolor paper
  • Pencil
  • Permanent black marker
  • Oil pastels (regular and neon if possible)
  • Watercolor palette 
  • Paint brushes
  • Cup for water
  • Paper towel 
  • Black or colored construction paper for background (same size as drawing paper)
  • White tempera paint 
  • Scissors and glue 


Terms & Use:

Please note, in purchasing this resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Kaitlyn Edington and licensed to you only for classroom/personal use. I, Kaitlyn Edington retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product.

This lesson is intended for classroom use only and may not claimed or resold as your own.

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