Blabber Brush | Noise Monitoring Tool | Digital Download

Is your classroom such a fun and amazing place that your kiddos won't stop talking about it? What a wonderful feeling right? Until the noise level gets so out of control that you can't even hear yourself think! Sometimes it's tough to establish clear voice level expectations, so the Blabber Brush is here to help!
The Blabber Brush is an easy tool that will help you establish clear expectations with your students about where their voice level should be while they are working. All you have to do is attach a small piece of velco to each colored paint and the brush, and move the paint brush to the color you would like them to be at. Each color means a different level:
(speaking at an indoor voice level)
(whispering quietly to their neighbors)
(quiet and mindful work)
With the same concept as a stop light, your students can clearly see at all times where you would like their voice level to be. This is not a classroom management tool that is meant to be used when your kiddos get too loud. Meaning, it is not intended to have your students start on Green, and if they get too loud they get moved down to yellow or red. Instead, it is up to you to explain to them that when the Blabber Brush is on Red, that simply means that you would like them to be quiet and extra focused on their work- they are not in trouble (IMPORTANT to explain that!)
This 'Blabber Brush' comes in 3 different formats (JPG, PDF, & PNG) and 3 different sizes (18"x24", 11"x17", & 10.5"x11).